
Monday 7 December 2015

Review plan - Zoe Cameron-Waller

The above image is my review plan which demonstrates the rough layout of the review and what it will contain.

To be more specific, my paragraphs will include a range of language styles such as adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns and maybe a pun. The first paragraph will begin with a drop capital in order to mirror the same conventions of a Little White Lies review. I will also make sure our review contains intertextuality of other existing movies that relate to our short film such as Jumaji and Zathura. These will feature in the 4th paragraph that talks about themes and genre. Intertextuality may also creep into the 5th paragraph.

After reading some of the Little White Lies reviews, it's become apparent to me as the reader, that they tend to use informal language here and there to give it their own unique view. I think this works well as it adds relaxed undertones to the review which makes it more enjoyable and less serious and monotone which is what I hope to incorporate into our review. I also want to include a few negative critical points to make it seem realistic and unbiased.

In terms of layout, everything will be justified correctly and aligned when it comes to making the real thing. I have already included the basic conventions of a Little White Lies review, such as:
  • 3 digit page number
  • Main image
  • Title, actors and release date
  • Review section
  • Ranking system
  • 5 paragraphs

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