
Tuesday 1 December 2015

What are the layout conventions of Little White Lies? - Zoe Cameron-Waller

As stated before in my previous post, the magazine is split into 6 chapters: the lead review, an editorial introduction, a series of articles inspired by the feature film, theatrical reviews, the Back Section and the future releases. The magazine dedicates its front section to an upcoming release, drawing inspiration from the themes and visual tone of the film. The back section features essential reviews of the latest theatrical releases, plus exclusive interviews, festival reports and more.

It also uses a tripartite ranking system consisting of the categories: Anticipation, Enjoyment and In Retrospective. They are marked out of 5 and justified with an explanation.


The design of Little White Lies is inspired by it's feature film which is represented by the cover of the magazine as it displays an illustration, usually of the lead actor. The cover film also influences aspects of the design such as editorial icons, chapter headings and custom typefaces. But overall, the design of the magazine remains the same to create a recognised reputation for the institution. The inside spreads of the magazine consist of the same sort of thing, being vast amounts of reviews and interviews, etc. with bold imagery placed on the side of the text or in the middle of the page. Other pages consist of adverts, but not too many like a mainstream celebrity gossip magazine such as OK magazine, which consists of lots of adverts and pages that are trying to sell you items:

This Little White Lies issue has displayed their feature film, The Mask, clearly due to the lead actor, (Jim Carrey), on the front of the issue:


And this issue's feature film is clearly The Black Swan
due to the illustration on the front of the issue consisting of the lead actress and the title of the film largely displayed overlapping the image.

The layout seems to have a running theme of abstract photography in which causes the magazine to seem artistic and creative due to the bright colours and unique images. It also generates excitement for new film releases and keeps their target demographic entertained as well as updated. The Black Swan issue has a video: A Magazine Is Born. It demonstrates the hard work of the designers as they perfect the magazine.

The layout of the magazine can stretch from beautiful photography to abstract illustrations to carving! The company design their magazines specifically to attract their target audience and in order to be unique they began using techniques that were abstract and different meaning that their magazine would begin gaining interest and attention from their readers and from the press:

This unique take on design proved to be successful with it's readers:

For some reason, YouTube completely changed the order of things in this video I made which is why the subtitles come in at the wrong time and are annoyingly out of time.

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