Virgin Media Shorts
"A peaceful sunny day in the forest is interrupted by a small boy. Where is he going and who is he running from?"
Genre: Thriller
The sequence begins with a panning shot of a field going from right to left with a low toned non-diegetic soundtrack playing alongside this. This can immediately connote to the audience that the short film could follow the steps of the thriller genre as so far in the opening couple of seconds in the film, the soundtrack connotes some sort of gloomy feel to it, something that is commonly associated with the thriller genre. However the audience is still not quite sure of the correct genre because of the way two non-diegetic bell sounds are heard when the title appears and disappears. This doesn't typically follow the conventions of the thriller genre as it comes across to the audience as perhaps toning down the initial suspense factor which is introduced early on with the eerie soundtrack. The following shot shows a close up view of what appears to be a dogs snout panting in what appears to be wooded area, however the shot could be argued to be from a worms-eye-view as it is facing directly upwards at the end of the dogs snout, displaying the dog's tongue hanging out. This particular camera shot can justify the type of codes or conventions of the thriller genre as the audience cannot figure of what is going on at this moment and not enough has been revealed about the story or overall plot yet. However this is then revealed soon after in the following shot; a mid shot of a young blonde boy running through a wooded forest. Like the synopsis asks, the audience does not know at this point why he is running, who from, or where he is running to. All three questions, the audience are eager to discover, and so this is what inevitably keeps them watching, hooking them into the possibilities of what could happen next. As the audience soon discovers from the next couple of quick paced shots, the predominant character in this short film is this young blonde boy, and so the audience can make assumptions of what might happen to the boy, raising questions about his vulnerability, especially due to his young age and his isolation in the forest, leading to assumptions of potentially negative representations of the boy's situation. However because the scene is set during the day, it may not typically be associated with a thriller genre, as thriller can tend to follow the path of creating or causing suspense during the night, and not in pure daylight.
From the way the non-diegetic (wind instrument) sound is used alongside a sequence of shots of the boy searching from inside the ruins looking out into the forest, it gives the suggestion that perhaps the boy is lost and is unsure in what to do. As well as this, by having restricted narration, again it creates the idea that no one else is around to help the boy and that he is alone out of reach from anywhere local nearby in search of help. But at this moment we are unaware whether or not the boy is scared and lost, or just adventuring the woods on his own with the aspect of freedom being attached to him.
However the audience then discovers the irony of the film and the cleverness of how the director has shot it, by having the male character (who the audience first believed to be the antagonist) using the dialogue 'Found ya!', immediately revealing the idea behind the film being a game of hide and seek, hence the title 'Seek', and not a killer on the look for a young child; as well as revealing the idea that the mum and dad has found the child, showing them now as protagonists.
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