
Friday 9 October 2015

Apply Representation to the Final Idea

Our characters will be from middle class backgrounds, the plan is to have them dressed smart casual to represent this along with the setting being middle class (see photo). The character that cheats will be slightly upper class in order to indicate that he has quite a lot of money to lose and we will indicate his different social class by representing him as more well groomed than the others and by making his costume slightly more smarter.
We will be dealing with money issues in our short film which relates to the film 'Wolf of Wall Street' as the main character becomes obsessed with gaining as much money as he can, just like the cheating character in our short film.

At first it will be positive and the characters will gain money, however after the twist, one character will lose vast amounts, making real life money issues apparent. This will include him losing money from his bank accounts but it will also get to the point where his belongings are being repossessed.
The different genders will be represented by their costumes and their body language; one of the female characters may have light and dainty body language to emphasise her femininity, whereas one of the male characters may have heavy and big body language that emasculates him and amplifies the gender difference.

1 comment:

  1. OK - have you thought in detail about how you will show this so that the audience understands?
