
Tuesday 6 October 2015


This is a rough script and it will give the actors a rough idea of what to say, we will ask them to improvise here and there in order to create a realistic atmosphere and to prevent the dialogue from sounding like a monotone script that's obviously been rehearsed.
Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
Character 4
Stage Directions

"Is everything ready?"

"Yeah I think so, what's the plan?"

"Maybe we could dig out a good film or find a good board game?"

"Really? A board game?"

"Yeah? Why not?"

"We've played them all though!"

"Hmm what about that new one?"

"Fine! I'll go find it"

*doorbell rings*



"Alright mate"

"Oh we brought some more wine!"

"Aw you didn't have to!"
"Come in, just chuck your coats anywhere!"

*character 3 takes 4's coat and puts on stairs*

"So, when are your parents back?"
"Not till next week"

"Do you guys want a drink?"

*time lapse*

"Fancy playing a game then?"

"Yeahhhh why not!"

*various shots of setting up game*

1 comment:

  1. No dialogue whilst the game is being played? What about your cutaway scenes? Will there be dialogue here? Check that any you have planned for has been scripted - even loosely, so that you're not going to be wasting time thinking of things to say!
