
Monday 5 October 2015

Applying Audience to the final idea - Pre-Production Planning

Our short film will be based upon characteristics that will suit our target audience for the film, established from our early research into other short films, with the overall results coming back as the following:

Expected audience:

- The age range for our short film will be between the ages of 17 and 25, and we selected this, as the majority of the short films we researched into were aimed at this particular audience, as it is this age group that uses the internet the most, and seeing as our short film will likely be posted onto websites on the internet, we thought it would be a good idea if ours followed the same path and other short films. As well as this however, it would also suit this age group as the audience would be familiar with the typical conventions that our film follows as well as the ideas our film includes, such as the idea of playing a 'family' game of Monopoly, or simply, the thriller genre.

- Alongside this, our overall thought over what gender would watch the film, we had a mutual agreement that either males or females would want to watch the film, and this is mainly due down to the idea that both gender's are used as characters in the film and because of the fact that both genders would be equally familiar with the idea of a simple game of 'Monopoly' going slightly wrong.

- Finally, in terms of social class, the overall feeling is that predominately middle class citizens would watch our film, this is because of the overall plot and story of the film as well as the idea that people wouldn't want to spend a fortune going out to a cinema to watch a short film when they could just watch it online at home. Also, because our character's also have the same characteristics of middle class citizens (casual clothing and casual get-together's) it would also appeal to this audience.

Viewing platforms:

- Because of the research we had done looking into short films, we discovered that the majority of short films are displayed either in niche cinemas or via online websites such as Vimeo, YouTube or Virgin Media Shorts.
The benefits of displaying our short film at a niche, individual cinema (such as the 'Duke of Yorks' in Brighton) would be that the film would make money via advertising of the film as well as different individual adverts before the film starts, would be draw in audiences that are interested in the genre of the film as the well as the occasion of going to the cinema.
However I believe the benefits of displaying the short film over the internet will be far greater because of the fact the target demographic are viable to see the film through this way as it is far more accessible compared to the individual cinemas, and so would attract and appeal to a larger demographic, leading to a larger profit. Also because of the fact that it would be available on so many different online platforms (Vimeo, YouTube, Virgin Media Shorts) it would be seen by a far larger audience, and so this would suit the film very well.

Links to real texts: 

- Because of the way our film is based upon a board game coming to life or having a mind of its own, our film could be argued that it is similar to the popular film 'Jumanji' however not on as much as a bigger scale as being a Hollywood hit globally; more like a small individual film, appealing to a particular demographic. However because of the links, it will help our film gain popularity and views, as people would like to see a similar adaptation of the famous family film that everyone loved as a child.

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