
Monday 5 October 2015

Applying Narrative to the final idea

Our Narrative will be a Chronological Linear structure and the rest of the film will eventually make it a structure with closure as all problems will be resolved and there won't be anything left to cause the audience to feel incomplete and curious.

In terms of Todorov's theory model, our Narrative will consist of the 5 stages:

  • Equilibrium- the normality of the sequence will be demonstrated by the preparations being made by the couple for their guests and the arrival of their guests as they enter the house and settle down ready to play Monopoly.
  • Disruption- the normality will be disturbed by the chaotic events that begin happening during the game; someone will receive a card that displays a demand for £200 to be paid to the electric company, obviously the group think nothing of it and ignore it, which results in there being a power cut which indicates that the game isn't normal. 
The other 3 stages will be implied by the audience after our short film ends:
  • Confrontation- the group realises the power of the game and discovers that you have to continue playing in order to prevent anything else bad happening and to get rid of the bad things that have already happened, therefore they carry on playing to confront the issue.
  • Resolution- everything begins getting better and the bad occurrences begin disappearing.
  • New Equilibrium- normality is restored but the group are slightly scarred and confused by what has happened, they never play another board game again and they are more careful with how they manage their money. Their views on the world around them has been altered.

In terms of Roland Barthes theory of enigma codes, our short film will include enigma codes as it's a fixed characteristic in terms of Rick Altman's theory, in the Thriller genre.
The sudden mysterious occurrences that Monopoly produces will generate all the enigma due to the audience becoming confused and eager to know what's happening and how it's happening. Barthes theory of action codes also applies to our short film; the audience can predict that something serious is going to happen to the character that cheats because they have previously witnessed the strange occurrences that have happened before, it's clear that the cheating character will suffer serious consequences.

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