
Monday 16 November 2015

Film Poster Research: 'Blended' - Zoe Cameron-Waller


'Blended' is a portrait film poster that uses a setting for the main image. It's clear that this film is set in Africa or involves Africa due to the safari like background displaying Giraffe's and long grass. The main image also involves two characters standing on each side of the poster, it's clear that these characters are the main characters within the film. The setting and main image reveals aspects of the narrative as the audience begin to relate certain themes and ideas about the film due to the African setting. Also, the fact that the characters consist of a male and a female suggest that they may be in love or may fall in love during the film which means the film would be a Romance genre. However, the female characters body language is displayed as slightly playful which mirrors her happy facial expression. The male characters body language is also playful due to the way his hands are on his hips and his cheeky facial expression. These conventions convey a Romantic Comedy which usually targets females but can also attract males. The age target can vary when it comes to a Romantic Comedy, but usually Romantic Comedies involve subtle explicit content which wouldn't be appropriate for under 15's perhaps.
The main title sustains the repeated film poster convention of a bold and thick font. It's coloured a sandy yellow and is slightly faded as if it has been printed onto the poster. The sandy colour relates to the African setting in the background and the way in which it's faded, conveys heat-again relating to the African setting. It's placed on a red strip that runs across the poster; the colour red connotes love and affection but can also convey heat. The love and affection reflects the Romance genre and the heat relates to the African setting.
The actors names are also coloured red and are positioned above the title. They have used only their second names and the male actors name appears bigger than the females and sits directly above the females which suggests he's more well known or more important than the female actress.
The release date is positioned at the bottom of the poster and is also coloured red. However, the billing block is coloured white and is equally aligned either side to create a neat and organised poster. It's deliberately coloured differently to highlight it's importance.
The title and the actors names are also equally aligned with the same gap from the border each side.
The characters are presented as middle class due to their causal and informal costumes. The males costume consists of an untidy and ruffled shirt with the collar folded up. This makes the male character seem rebellious and cheeky. The females costume also consists of a shirt, however hers is more tidy which suggests she's a more organised and sensible character.
The poster has high key lighting to reflect the happy and comical elements of a Romantic Comedy. Pathetic fallacy is also used to reflect happiness due to the bright blue sky. Happy and comical elements are repeated conventions in terms of Neale's theory and constructs the Romantic Comedy genre by contributing to the formula that creates the genre. This can also be applied to Altman's theory of fixed characteristics in which we associate with a particular genre, e.g, the cheeky and happy facial expressions reflect the Romance between the two characters but also shows that there are comical elements within that Romance.

1 comment:

  1. This is fine Zoe - as for the previous comment, perhaps you could add colour coding to highlight where you apply terms and concepts? You could also use headings for the MRANG concepts. Add a bit more on representation - I think there's quite a bit you could say on that - use of femininity and masculinity - are they traditional or modern? What is their relationship, as implied by the poster? More on narrative?
