
Wednesday 25 November 2015

Poster Analysis - 'Wild Tales' - Amy Sharp

Wild Tales

  • Main images - sectioned, telling a story?
  • Block of credits 
  • Critics reviews 

Media Language:
The layout of this poster is different from most you see, this may be due to it being a foreign independant film however it also may be due to its possible meaning. The 6 sections could show a story/journey, they are clearly clips from the film and due to each section having a different actor/s it is highly likely that they are separate stories. Dispite the emotions in facial expressions the poster remains bright and cheerful, the white background brings out the light in the images and highlights the impact of the black text. 

As said above, the main image/s show various characters in vastly different settings suggesting the narrative is one based on various different stories that overall connect to a singular one. The title 'Wild Tales' also suggests this, various 'wild' stories and complete one 'tale'. From looking at the images the bottom photo is clearly a wedding due to mise en scene, primarily costume, and is the largest photo suggesting it is the main story line. The others however aren't so clear giving the audience mystery the only hints are the setting in the backgrounds, facial expressions and one quote from a review in bold "apocalyptic revenge". 

By looking at the critics reviews:
-"tales of apocalyptic revenge. The years most fearlessly funny film"
-"Hilarious! Outrageous!"
From these it is clear the film is a comedy but otherwise looking at the pictures it isn't as clear, with the image alone it seems to be a romance or action based film. This could be correct however from the poster it is not clear. 

The target audience for this film would be broad, however I think it is most popular with 18-25year olds due to the narrative and age range of the actors. It is also a foreign film therefore it is less likely a younger audience would be appealed by this film. It is technically rated a 15 however I don't think this film would appeal to this age.

There is no negative representation shown in this poster, its purpose is to show the varying story lines. 

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