
Monday 9 November 2015

Where we're at...

This week we uploaded any other footage that had not been uploaded last week, including the sound recordings that we used. We also continued the early stages of the editing process and have started to adapt blog posts, using the comments as guidance. And so at the moment we have:
  • Put all the footage onto the Mac ready for use in editing
  • Uploaded all the sound recordings that we need for editing
  • Started a project in Final Cut Pro and begun editing
  • Cropped and trimmed clips and put in chronological order on the editing timeline
In order to achieve the highest quality film, we will be constantly looking back at the film which has been edited using FCP so that it is up to standard. In order to achieve this successfully, we will be trying to edit inside as well as outside of lesson time, to fully get the most out of our time.

To progress further we need to: 
  1. Begin adding in our sound recordings into FCP and aligning them with the footage
  2. Potentially alter the colour in some shots so that it looks more professional or high quality
  3. Add any non-diegetic sound to our project that is necessary
  4. Continue to edit 
  5. Begin our initial ideas for our film poster

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this - you've clearly met the filming deadline, so very well done to you all!
