
Thursday 26 November 2015

Poster Analysis- Mary Last Seen

     Mary Last Seen-Analysis

A young woman embarks on a road trip with her boyfriend to a place he promises will be beautiful and peaceful. But a series of strange events occur on their journey, and it becomes clear that their relationship is not what she thinks and their destination is not what was promised.

Through elements of media language it is evident there are some clear distinctions between the two previous examples. In this particular text we can see two contrasting images from two different settings, an approach neither Chief nor Must Peeter conveyed. The first image conveys two individuals, male and female portraying intimate and passionate emotions towards each other, connoting an intense and infatuating atmosphere. However due to other aspects of media language the relationship appears to be a facade, revealing a darker meaning and impression behind their expressed emotions. For example the low key yellow lighting on the decor denotes an urban motel or hotel environment, somewhere the couple do not live permanently. This is supported further by the decor its self, on the wall is an area where a mirror would usually be, however it appears to have been ripped or removed from the wall, implying that people have been before them, and is in fact public accommodation. In the second image we can see a male character elevated from the ground, although there is no way to clarify a clear link to the male character in the first image as we have no way of observing any facial expressions, it is most likely-based on the synopsis- that it is in fact the same person. The dark and bleak setting of a grey sky helps to support a dark unexpected secret behind the the relationship displayed in the first image. One possible connotation of the levitated male character could be that he symbolises exclusion and insulation from society and more importantly his relationship. From observing the text it appears that the sequence represents a male and female demographic, possibly targeting couples who admire a dark twist to their entertainment and therefore placing the target audience in a young adult band i.e 18-25 years old. From analysing the media language in more detail the sequence appears to fall into the thriller/drama/independent genre.

The title and accreditations presentation is unorthodox and deviates from other short film posters. For example critic reviews and film associations aren't displayed on this particular poster, with the exception of a Sun dance Film Festival award located in the top left corner of the poster. The titling its self is a lot smaller in terms of font size in comparison to 'Chief' and 'Must Peeter', the designer has decided to display a simple block text font contrasting red and black between three words. One possible meaning behind this could be a representation of male and female.

Another aspect to take into consideration is the composure of the elevated male figure, he is centred in the middle of the title, again supporting the connotation that he is divided from the relationship with the female character as they both have conflicting personalities.

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